
【全球NGO聯合公開聲明】鼓勵日本政府實施新省令— 「特定水產動植物內銷與進口管理法」施行細則 Global encouragement for the Japanese government to implement the new ministerial ordinance: Improvement of Domestic Trade of Specific Marine Animals and Plants Act

2022.05.23    分享至: facebook line line

Joint Statement


Global encouragement for the Japanese government to implement the new ministerial ordinance: Improvement of Domestic Trade of Specific Marine Animals and Plants Act


23 May 2022



The following 17 organizations and platforms welcome the new ordinance issued on April 26th by Japan’s Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, under the Improvement of Domestic Trade of Specific Marine Animals and Plants Act. Japan – the fourth biggest seafood importing market after the EU, US, and China – is now taking a decisive step to prevent seafood sourced by illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing from entering its domestic market, further contributing to the sustainability of marine ecosystems and fisheries industries globally. We encourage the Japanese government’s leadership through the effective implementation of the ordinance.



At the same time, we recognize there are many more actions that could be taken to improve controls to eliminate IUU fishing throughout seafood supply chains. While there have been successful prosecutions against IUU fishing in Japan in recent years, there are advantages to promoting greater transparency and traceability, including opportunities for Japanese companies to access international markets which have already prioritized environmental sustainability and social responsibility. In particular, we recommend improvements in four key areas which include anti-IUU fishing measures successfully implemented in other parts of the world:




  • Establish an electronic catch documentation and reporting system which can be extended in a stepwise fashion to all seafood distributed in Japan.
  • Utilize greater transparency throughout the entire system and develop a system of traceability consistent with relevant international standards such as those promulgated by the Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability (GDST), including harmonized key data elements (KDEs) with the existing import control schemes of the EU and US.
    開發一套符合國際標準的漁獲可追溯性系統,例如:全球水產可追溯對話平台(GDST)設計的《GDST1.0》,包含歐盟、美國調和的關鍵數據項目(Key Data Elements, KDE);
  • Promptly provide information to the FAO Global Record of Fishing Vessels, Refrigerated Transport Vessels, and Supply Vessels, as 65 other countries already have done.
  • Increase the number of species covered by Japan’s import control scheme, such as tuna, eel, and other wild-caught and aquacultured species which are heavily consumed in Japan, and at risk of IUU fishing.

Furthermore, acknowledging the growing concerns about human rights and labor abuses in the seafood sector, we recommend the following as well:

  • When importing seafood, implement additional checks to ensure that no human rights abuses have taken place during production and/or processing.


We believe that further cooperation between governments and industries is essential for more sustainable seafood sourcing and supply practices. We commend Japan on the introduction of this new Ministerial ordinance as a positive first step toward greater transparency and enhanced monitoring, control, and surveillance in the fisheries sector, in line with the outcomes of the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy.

我們深信,政府與產業間進一步的合作,對於可持續性的海產採購和供應至關重要。我們讚揚日本與「永續海洋經濟高峰倡議(High-Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy)」之訴求呼應,頒布新省令,向加強漁業行為監測、管理與監督(Monitoring, control and surveillance, MCS)與提升透明度邁出積極的第一步。


We, the undersigned, continue working with governments and other stakeholders to eliminate IUU fishing across the globe, promote sustainability, and promote effective management and cooperation.





  • Advocates for Public Interest Law 韓國公益法律中心
  • Anti IUU Forum Japan 日本IUU漁業對策論壇
  • Aquaculture Stewardship Council 水產養殖管理委員會
  • Environmental Jurist Association 環境法律人協會
  • EU IUU Fishing Coalition 歐盟IUU漁業對策聯盟
  • Environment & Animal Society of Taiwan 台灣動物社會研究會
  • FishWise
  • Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative 全球永續水產品倡議
  • Global Tuna Alliance 全球鮪類聯盟
  • Good Fish
  • Greenovation: Hub 創綠研究院
  • Korea Federation for Environmental Movements 韓國環境運動聯合
  • KUROSHIO Ocean Education Foundation 黑潮海洋文教基金會
  • Monterey Bay Aquarium 蒙特雷灣水族館
  • Oceanus Honors Gaia, Taiwan 海龍王愛地球
  • Qingdao Marine Conservation Society  青島市海洋生態研究協會
  • Wild at Heart Legal Defense Association, Taiwan 台灣蠻野心足生台協會