

加拿大「動物園監督」(Zoo Check)針對六福村動物園引進白老虎發表簡短聲明


Dr. Ron Tilson, Conservation Director of the Minnesota Zoo, "The white tiger controversy among zoos is a small part ethics and a large part economics. The tiger Species Survival Plan has condemned breeding white tigers because of their mixed ancestry, most have been hybridized with other subspecies and are of unknown lineage, and because they serve no conservation purpose. Owners of white tigers say they are popular exhibit animals and increase zoo attendance and revenues as well. The same rationalization can be applied to the selective propagation of white lions, king cheetahs and other phenotypically aberrant animals."
"However, there is an unspoken issue that shames the very integrity of zoos, their alleged conservation programs and their message to the visiting public. To produce white tigers or any other phenotypic curiosity, directors of zoos and other facilities must continuously inbreed father to daughter and father to granddaughter and so on. At issue is a contradiction of fundamental genetic principles upon which all Species Survival Plans for endangered species in captivity are based. White tigers are an aberration artificially bred and proliferated by some zoos, private breeders and a few circuses who do so for economic rather than conservation reasons."

提爾森(Tilson)博士譴責動物園或馬戲團不斷繁殖白老虎的作法,因為牠們的血統混亂不明,而且無關老虎的保育(動物社會研究會略譯,資料來源:Big Cat Rescue)。


2.國際保育團體加拿大「動物園監督」(Zoo Check)針對六福村動物園引進白老虎所發表的簡短聲明

“White tigers are popular exhibit animals, but they serve no real conservation purpose. They are not a distinct species, but are usually the product of hybridization and inbreeding. White tigers are produced to attract visitors to zoos. The material and financial resources dedicated to these animals would be better spent on helping tigers in the wild and in legitimate captive propagation programs.”by Rob Laidlaw, Director of Zoo Check, Canada. July 1, 2004  

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