

「亞洲動物福利連線(Asia Link)」12個國家共同新聞稿

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        亞洲,6月14日 - 由來自12個不同國家的亞洲動物福利及保育團體所組成之聯盟-亞洲連線於今日發表聲明,要求南韓政府於世界杯足球賽在南韓舉行期間,清楚表明執行並改善保護動物法令的立場。

        台灣動物社會研究會、台灣促進和平文教基金會、台灣大學愛犬社、台中世界聯合動物保護協會、花蓮動物權益促進會、拯救流浪犬聯盟、中華民國世界聯合動物保護協會等團體代表,將此聲明遞交駐台北韓國代表部(KOREAN MISSION IN TAIPEI),並附上錄影帶「文化或藉口?」呈現韓國狗肉市場的殘酷情況。




* 終結屠殺貓狗作為消費的行為
* 修正法令,明定「動物虐待」的定義,並對食物、居處、獸醫治療、遮蔽、不當對待、運輸及屠宰等各方面做考量。
* 加強法令執行。
* 提高虐待動物之刑罰。
* 成立國家動物福利委員會,並涵蓋韓國主要動物福利團體的代表,如動物之聲(Voice for Animals),以提供政府建議。



台灣動物社會研究會聯絡人:陳玉敏 TEL:2239-8105/6;0953-121480                  

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ASIA, 14 JUNE -- Asia Link, a coalition of Asian animal welfare and conservation groups from 12 countries, is presenting a statement to the South Korean Government asking them to make a clear commitment during the FIFA World Cup to enforce and improve their legislation on animal protection. Representatives from groups in countries such as Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Nepal are presenting their Korean embassies with the statement and a video, "Culture or Excuse" which exposes the cruelty of dog eating in Korea. The recently taken footage shows conditions of farming, transporting and selling dogs for meat. 

This will be the first time a large group of Asian societies have come together to speak up against the dog and cat meat issue in Korea. 

Not only is dog meat eaten but also, the industry is now promoting dog meat products such as cosmetics. Dogs are bred in farms where most never leave their cages. At the markets, they are crammed into cages so they can hardly stand properly. Some are killed by electrocution. Others are hanged then beaten as they die or tortured in other ways. Cats are usually boiled, some alive, in large pressure cookers to produce a tonic that supposedly cures ailments. Others may be beaten with hammers. 

Our ancestors domesticated dogs and cats as companions and we break a bond of trust when we treat them worse than livestock. Worldwide, more societies, including Korea, are considering dogs and cats as good companions to humans. The Korean Government should take serious action to reduce, and finally ban dog and cat eating in Korea, and not merely improve the ways of slaughter.

Laws to prevent cruelty to dogs and cats in Korea are weak. Laws that exist are not well enforced. During the last decade, only two perpetrators of animal abuse were convicted and given small fines. Asia Link calls urgently for legislative and policy-related changes including:
* A permanent ban on the slaughter of dogs and cats for human consumption or other economic purposes.
* Korean animal protection law to be improved so that it clearly defines "animal cruelty" with regards to provision of food, housing, veterinary care, shelter, maltreatment, transportation and slaughter. 
* Enhanced law enforcement of existing and new laws on the dog and cat meat trade
* Higher penalties for animal cruelty 
* Formation of a National Animal Welfare committee, with representation from leading Korean animal welfare groups such as Voice4animals, to advise the Government. 

Asia Link is urging everyone concerned to write to the South Korean President Kim Dae-jung showing support for these recommendations at http://www.cwd.go.kr/cgi-bin/php/engletter/writeform.php3 
or at 1, Sejongno, Jongo-gu, Seoul, Korea 110-050

"The World Cup will finish at the end of June. But there is no end in sight for the cruelty to dogs and cats in Korea. We cannot use culture to justify violence. It is people who make "culture", so they can change it. Dog eating was once popular in Taiwan but in 2001, the meat and fur of pets such as dogs and cats were banned from being used for economic purposes. In the Philippines, the slaughter of dogs for meat is prohibited in Metro Manila. In Thailand, opposition to it is building and just recently the "City of Dog Eating", Sakon Nakhon, banned the sale of dog meat in its efforts to create a "good image". As Asian societies ourselves, we are phasing out dog eating. We invite Korea to join us in this humane move," said Asia Link representatives including Wu Hung, Founder of the Environment and Animal Society of Taiwan.

Professor Changkil Park, Founder of the Seoul-based Voice4animals said, "Over the years, there has been very strong support from the Western world to stop the cruelty to Korea's dogs and cats. But this latest collective action by the Asian community clearly shows that there is now a world-wide demand for Korea to take immediate and enduring steps to stop the extreme cruelty to the animals here."
台灣動物社會研究會聯絡人:陳玉敏 電話:22398105~6 /0953121480

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